Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Hey, Numbnuts! Over Here!!

Yes, I'm talking to you!

For those of you who STILL haven't gotten the clue since my post from last March -- I've moved!!

So I'm updating and ungrading and graduating another 'redirection' post over here on Blogger to send any stray visitors to my (not so) new blog -- located at www.abowlofstupid.com.

Learn it, live it, love it.

Wow, that was kinda fun. I think I'll make this an annual thing ... that is, of course, unless I get eaten by a shark or saltwater crocodile or something; in which case it won't really matter anyway, will it?

Okay, go visit the other blog. Carry on.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Douchebag Says "What"?

Yeah, I know it's kind of a silly thing to do, having one last remaining page from a now dormant blog remaining to redirect any stray visitors to the new blog, which is located at www.abowlofstupid.com. However, I thought it best -- kinda like leaving a forwarding address at the post office so all your friends, acquaintances and bill-collectors can find you ... err, maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. Never mind, forget you ever saw this post, and forget I ever mentioned anything about the new site, abowlofstupid.com.

P.S. These aren't the droids you're looking for.